Sunday, December 28, 2008


To make Nadia feel better I didn't go to the library today.
Hahaha I was too lazy and nobody wants to go there too :D
Another boring day in the house. I shall watch Jack Sparrow in about an hour.
"Nobody moves I think I drop my brain"
My mom keep asking me to play bullshit and I keep on wining.
You should know I'm the greatest bullshitter ever. Play with me. Nah joking. I ain't that great.
But I played the best Blackjack ever. I mean THE game is great.
My parents are having exam on Tuesday. Feel how I feel.
And Sakinah's result is out on that day too.

1 comment:

yanayanayana said...

u xjdi g duhal? nsb mek x g. haha
n yea, i changed my url to yanayanaayanaaa

Hey I am Nafisa.