Saturday, January 10, 2009


Awww I love you too Nadia sayang. Yeah having a girl talk is awesome. Now I know what I should do and stay happy because I know my girls will always be there for me :D I want it I want it but I should stop it stop it. Take it easy. Take it easy. Kanye West Heartless is so damn nice. Listen to it.

I so malas want to do BM essay but cikgu cute marah nanti. hahahah

My family and I went to Pot & Grill. I thought it was chicken chop kinda place but it was the steamboat kinda thing. Ahhh my first time. I freak out. It's like Japanese Shin Chan Comic books always eat. hahahha Most interesting dinner ever but I dislike the food. I don't take new food.



I know cikgu cute!! if im not wrong... it's a she and her name is Cikgu Magdalene... or am i wrong?? nah.. im sure it's her!!
r u in science 1??

Fishi Sharifah Nafisa said...

hahahah no its actually cikgu yustina.
she so cute u know! hahaha
yup im in science 1.

Hey I am Nafisa.