There are many things to talk about since I have gone through so many stuff.
I am going to start off with my brother's BBQ.
It was nice. My close friends came and Adib too. To bad Ummi and Ahsha can't make it.
We had this tilik nasib stuff that we played. About relationship.
I don't know why some people get so emotional playing that game. hahaha
My choral speaking team and I went off to Sibu for 4 days and 3 nights.
We stayed at Paramount Hotel. Boleh tahan la.
It was a lot of fun. I felt like its holiday instead of competition.
Our favourite place there is Wisma Sanyan.
I stayed in the same room as Ahsha,Ummi,Norma, and Muni.
Well Nadia and Intan slept in our room too. Ibu ayam itu.
I was officially broke on the third day.
We got second place for the state level.
My friends cried like bloody hell. kesian. Only me,Audi and Afiqah Z didn't cry.
I don't know why am I so proud that I didn't cry.
My friends say I takda perasaan. But I cry a lot you know. I just don't tell.
Sibu was a great time with friends.
I watched football yesterday. Spain vs Germany.
I supported Germany and they loose.
I had a bet with Adib and I loose.
And I didn't get enough sleep and I was very moody at school.
Not really actually. My mouth worked out so well.
My brother is going back to KL today. Sad. Hmm.
And I didn't meet Adib for two weeks. Very sad.
My hair look so different in every picture. hahaha.
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