Sunday, August 23, 2009

I want to go terawihhhhhhh

Oh yeah Fishi should not use make up anymore because she would end up looking like the girl she dislike and it scares hell out of her. But hey I look Gothic and different. And I had hell of a good time that night.

I think the singer look like Naz. Ahahahah! Seriously!

I hope I can puasa tomorrow. Amin.
I cant wait for 4 days of seminar with the two sifu.
And its Mia's birthday tomorrow!!!

I can't think of anything else besides studying but I get distracted easily. Penguin Madagascar is awesome. You could not find anything funnier than that. A freaky number is disturbing me and Kiki at the same time. Trying to prang us ah boyy? -_-

Happy Holiday!
Happy Puasa!
Happy Merdeka!
Be happy!

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Hey I am Nafisa.